Librería & Editorial Ricaaventura EIRL was born in 2005, as two projects: an Editorial and Bookstore. The Editorial project is based on the idea of the owner of self editing and rescue of certain scarce books, but patrimonially important. The self-edition option basically aims to recover our graphic and photographic heritage, with special emphasis on industrial heritage that has not been addressed until now.
We also want to rescue some jewels of the common heritage, which have a high value for the readers given its historical, conceptual and patrimonial importance and that is deferred from its place. We want our books to show the important and illustrious past of our nation and thus be able to understand the present in a better way, without formulating explicit judgments, but wishing that the images allow a reflection on the treated topic. The bookstore project is proposed as an online service, in the idea of accommodating regional editions either in the form of self-publishing or as those that arise from the Houses of Higher Studies in the Regions and that hardly reach beyond the regional scope .